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    You would definitely like to work in a constructive organization. Be part of your organization's transformation! Take part in the National Research 2021 Name Email Company Position Cod Phone Choose a date for contact Your message (optional) Accept termenii și condițiile Human Synergistics Subscribe

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    Cultura Organizațiilor din România Empowered by Datorită sau în ciuda? Adevărat sau fals? Mit sau realitate? Ușor sau greu? Prezentarea rezultatelor Cercetării Naționale - Cultură de organizație și Leadership 2021 - 2022 Date: OAMENI Analiză: MENTALITĂȚI Rezultate: PERFORMANȚĂ 14 October Hotel Radisson Blu, Bucharest Înregistrează-te Argument În perioada Octombrie 2021 - Aprilie 2022 am derulat o amplă cercetare națională pe tema culturii de organizație și a leadership-ului. Au fost implicate 137 de companii cu tot cu liderii lor. Peste 2.000 de respondenți individuali au răspuns despre cultura organizației lor, despre liderii lor, despre aspirațiile pe care le au de la locul în care muncesc. Conferința din 14 octombrie va pune în prim plan impactul pe care îl are preocuparea pentru cultura de organizație. De asemenea, vom aduce în prim plan ce s-a schimbat și ce a rămas constant, comparativ cu datele pe care le avem de la cercetările anterioare, din 2009 și 2010. De unde am plecat, încotro mergem, ce s-a schimbat și ce este constant? Cum ne ajută preocuparea pentru cultura de organizație, indiferent de rolul pe care îl avem: ca lideri, ca oameni de resurse umane, ca salariați sau clienți. Agenda și speakeri Conferința de anul acesta este, așa cum am spus, petrecerea noastră de majorat. Este a 11-a conferință pe care o organizăm în cei 18 ani de când Human Synergistics există în România. Am fost atenți la toate temele momentului, așa facem și de această dată. În anii 2004 - 2006 vorbeam despre impactul culturii de organizație în strategie și preocuparea oamenilor de resurse umane era aceea de a se poziționa ca parteneri strategici în companiile lor, în 2007 și 2008 a fost pe val preocuparea pentru managementul performanței și păstrarea talentelor, în 2009 -2010 am vorbit despre criza economică și am luat idei de acțiune din prima cercetare a culturii de organizație realizată de noi în România. În 2011 ne-am uitat către lideri și, tot în urma unei cercetări de anvergură națională pe care am realizat-o, am poziționat și introdus în vocabularul organizațiilor conceptul de impact pentru cei care conduc oameni și organizații. A urmat apoi preocuparea pentru generația Z, pe care am abordat-o și noi în conferința din 2019. A venit apoi pandemia, perioadă care ne-a întors la introspecție. După această perioadă am profitat de ocazie și am organizat cea mai complexă și amplă cercetare națională a culturii de organizație, simultan cu cercetarea asupra impactului liderilor, dar și a aspirațiilor pe care le au oamenii de la organizațiile în care lucrează. În jurul rezultatelor și mesajelor pe care le avem de comunicat în urma cercetării naționale Cultură Organizațională și Leadership, lansată în octombrie 2021 și încheiată la începutul acestui an, am adus la un loc oameni care cred în temele leadership și cultură. Puteți descoperi mai jos invitații care ne vor fi alături și ne vor împărtăși din experiența lor. Iuliana Stan conduce Human Synergistics România și de 18 ani promovează activ domeniul culturii de organizație, atât în mediul privat, cât și în sfera instituțiilor publice. Tiberiu Moisă (Tibi) este un bancher cu istoric de implicare în proiecte care au potențialul să schimbe comunități sociale sau economice. În ultimii douăzeci de ani a participat nemijlocit în povestea de business a Băncii Transilvania, având responsabilități de top management. Pentru Tibi, capitalismul are nevoie de conștiintă socială, și atunci este firesc ca bankingul să fie despre oameni și comunități. Tibi are o diplomă de studii postuniversitare de la Sheffield University (UK) și un master în business de la INDE (ASE & CNAM Franța). A absolvit ASE București în 1998. Mădălina Racovițan este Head of People Services la KPMG, unde coordonează proiecte de transformare organizațională, și a funcției de HR pentru clienți. Lucrează la KPMG de peste 20 de ani și a interacționat cu clienți de toate felurile, cu culturi bune sau mai puțin bune. Iar asta se vede în modul în care oamenii din aceste organizații reacționează în situații stresante, dar și în cum abordează un anumit proiect, o provocare sau chiar dezvoltarea lor profesională, ca indivizi. Simona Comșa conduce cel mai de anvergură proiect de transformare culturală care se desfășoară în acest moment într-o instituție publică din România: Curtea de Conturi a României, instituție fundamentală a statului. În acest demers este folosită metodologia Human Synergistics pentru managementul culturii de organizație. Proiectul de transformare a culturii de organizație la nivelul Curții de Conturi a României are ca miză schimbarea mentalității personalului, de la controlori la auditori. Ce a mers și ce nu a mers în acest demers? Ce este diferit la un an de la debutul proiectului față de așteptările inițiale? Simona Comșa este Consilier al Președintelui, Curtea de Conturi a României. Adrian Florea și Marius Decuseară-Brandenburg , consultanți seniori și parteneri în Trend Consult. Adi și Marius lucrează cu subiectul "cultură" de mai bine de 10 ani, și au an de an intervenții de transformare culturală pe care le coodonează. Sunt pasionați de leadership, de cultură și de sens. Vor fi moderatorii panelurilor din cadrul conferinței. Violeta Ciurel este doctor în economie și are o vastă experiență ca lider de organizație. Pasionată de domeniul asigurărilor și autoarea celui mai complex manual de asigurări existent pe piață, a condus cu mare succes în ultimii 25 de ani companii de asigurări din România și Portugalia și a avut pozitii de conducere și coordonare a unor entități și proiecte de mare amplitudine și complexitate din Europa, Asia și America Latină. A îndeplinit roluri globale și regionale, lucrând în Olanda, Portugalia, Franța și Spania. Este alături de noi ca să ne spună ce e diferit de la o țară la alta din perspectiva culturii și ce rămâne constant în actul de conducere a oamenilor. Ce este mit și ce este realitate atunci când avem de lucrat la cultura de organizație? Violeta Ciurel este profesor ASEBUSS, consultant și coach. Laurențiu Trocan e la conducerea RASIROM de aproape 6 ani, unde a venit cu o experiență îndelungată în companii românești sau multinaționale din telecomunicații, sănătate și IT. La RASIROM s-a implicat personal în implementarea unui proiect de schimbare culturală, alături de membrii board -ului, pentru a susține orientarea organizației într-o zonă constructivă. Florin Grama , Director Euromaster Business Services, are un interes crescut pentru cultura de organizație, pe care l-a adus în mai multe companii de-a lungul timpului. Cu o carieră de peste 20 de ani în IT, Customer și Business Services, Florin a contribuit atât la îmbunătățirea performanțelor organizațiilor, cât și la schimbări culturale care au crescut moralul angajaților, satisfacția clienților și au adus optimizări financiare. Adrian Postelnicu este de un an și jumătate Managing Director al România, care împreună cu Germania reprezintă divizia IT a grupului METRO. Cele două companii furnizează produse digitale și servicii către întregul grup METRO. Cu o experiență consistentă în domeniul tehnologiei, atât în cadrul grupului, cât și în alte organizații din domeniile financiar sau al serviciilor, Adrian conduce o organizație obișnuită cu schimbările, într-o piață în permanentă evoluție. El este pasionat de subiectul cultură și leadership și tocmai a demarat un proiect global care vizează cultura organizațională METRO. Adrian Stanciu este unul dintre primii consultanți care a vorbit despre temele cultură de organizație și leadership în România. Organizațiile, spune Adi, influențează comportamentul oamenilor. Dacă vrei să schimbi comportamentul, trebuie să umbli la sistem. Iar cele care au, în opinia lui, șanse mai mari de reușită în această lume în viteză sunt cele care renunță la mecanismele de control, în favoarea unei arhitecturi de colaborare, în care oamenii au mai multă libertate și decizie. Bilete 13 SPEAKERS Un eveniment Parteneri

  • About us | Cercetare Nationala

    ABOUT US We specialize in developing and providing tools, information and change strategies that have been shown to help people reach their potential, groups to work in synergy and organizations to be sustainable. We help you develop effective leaders, innovative teams and a positive workplace culture. See more Our history Founded in 1971, Human Synergistics has built a global reputation through innovations in organizational development. We pride ourselves on helping organizations around the world support their people and increase their performance by focusing on cultural change, leadership development and team development. Human Synergistics International was founded by clinical psychologist J. Clayton Lafferty, Ph.D. and is led by Robert A. Cooke, Ph.D., CEO and expert in organizational culture. Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, we work with organizations of all industries and sizes through our offices in 19 countries around the world. Our experience Human Synergistics specializes in measuring and developing organizational cultures, leadership strategies, team synergy and individual behavioral styles. We obtain these measurements through over 35 products, including the renowned Organizational Culture Inventory®, Life Styles Inventory Des and Desert Survival Situation Sim (Desert Survival Simulation). All our services are based on comprehensive research, solid data and a continuous dedication to maintain the highest standards of quality and integrity, whether we make evaluations, facilitate team-building simulations, organize workshops for consultants and coaches or offer consulting services. for the implementation of our systems and materials. We change the world from organization to organization (Changing the World - One Organization at a Time®) and we invite you to join our mission! Our team Our team operates throughout Romania through the activity of the Bucharest office. We bring together a wide range of experience and knowledge to help organizations increase their effectiveness by focusing on cultural change, leadership development and team building. Our goal is to support you with the right solutions and to deliver a qualitative experience on the road to the development of motivated and autonomous people, inspirational and effective leaders, and a positive culture. Whatever you need, our dedicated team and our experienced consultants are here to help. Human Synergistics Romanian Team Iuliana Stan Managing Partner +40 741 206.103 Letiția Constantin Consultant, Client Partner +40 745 206.103 Adrian Dinu Consultant +40 720 044.371 Gabriela Hăituc Communication Manager +40 758 223.378 Mădălina Pleșca Consultant, Project Manager + 40 727 391 232 Diana Pop Consultant, Operations Manager +40 747 626.823 Andreea Coteț Consultant, Project Manager +40 760 280 639

  • Cercetare națională | Cultura organizațiilor din România

    National Research - Culture of organizations in Romania 2021 You would definitely like to work in a constructive organization. Be part of your organization's transformation! We will soon reveal all the details !

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    CONTACT US Our team is here to help you with any issues related to the research. Do not hesitate to contact us depending on the type of your organization. For public institutions the contact person is: Madalina PLEȘCA Project manager E-MAIL madalina.plesca@ PHONE +40 727 391 232 For entrepreneurial and multinational companies the contact person is: Andreea COTEȚ Project manager E-MAIL andreea.cotet@ PHONE +40 760 280 639 Contact us Name Last Name Company Position Email Code Phone Your message (optional) Send Thank you for messaging us. We'll contact you soon.

  • Cercetare națională | Cultura organizațiilor din România

    The culture of Romanian organizations You would definitely like to work in a constructive organization. Be part of your organization's transformation! Subscribe me Why are we doing this research? Human Synergistics International is a world leader in conducting research and developing methodologies and tools in the field of organizational development. With a history of 50 years worldwide and over 15 years of good case practices in Romania, we aim to contribute to our mission, to change the world, with the help of organizations - Changing the World - One Organization at a Time! The research we will carry out will address 3 areas of interest: What leaders want and how they promote their leadership philosophy What employees say about the culture of their organizations How would the employees, ideally, want their job to be See more The benefits of the research for the participating organizations Leaders will receive a clear picture of their own leadership philosophy. The leaders of the participating organizations will obtain information about the way organizational culture is perceived in the organizations they are part of. See more The benefits of research for the interested public We will present a national benchmark for the organizational culture and we will extract general ideas and recommendations for improvement for the 3 types of participating organizations (public institutions, corporations, entrepreneurial companies). We will clarify the understanding of national norms of work culture in the context of national culture. See more Types of organizations participating Read All News Any culture Regardless of culture Any kind of organization preoccupied by its organizational culture can participate in the research, whether they perceive it as good or not. Any field Regardless of size Organizations of any size and from any field of activity can participate in the research. Any sector Project coordinator Each general type of organization (public institution, corporation, entrepreneurial company) will have appointed a unique project coordinator from HS Romania. National research plan 02 Launching research publicly communicating the information necessary for enrollment Pilot - Launching research in the immediate environment to refine communication 01 Collecting registrations for organizations that want to participate in the research 03 04 Designation of internal project managers from each organization Training of project managers 05 06 Data collection Intermediate status communications and reminders 07 08 Consolidation, adjustments, additions Completion of data collection and data processing 09 10 Intermediate presentations National Conference for the presentation of research data 11 12 Follow-up with the participating organizations to schedule individual discussions with the organization's leader and the Human Resources manager Methodology and tools OCI ® - Organizational Culture Inventory® The OCI® is recognized as the most widely used and thoroughly researched organizational surveys for measuring organizational culture in the world. The versatility of this validated tool ... See more OEI® - Organizational Effectiveness Inventory® OEI is the Human Synergistics tool that measures the commitment and satisfaction of employees, based on concrete data obtained from research and it is suitable for change programs ... See more Leadership/Impact® L/I Leadership / Impact (L / I) is a transformation tool, created to help leaders to be aware of the impact of their own leadership strategies and the extent to which they affect the performance of the organization. See more OCI® Ideal Inventory- Organizational Culture Inventory® Ideal) The OCI® Ideal inventory is the version of the OCI inventory that allows the design of new models of behavior that supports vision, strategy and the objectives of the organization. See more Research partners Partner communities Media partners We strongly believe in the role of organizations in contributing to the improvement of the world and people. If only a few years ago organizations had the unique privilege of choosing their employees, doing so mostly only on the basis of competence, now the balance of choice is tilted quite a lot by employees, who also begin to choose the organizations in which they want to work. Employees are attracted to missions and organizational cultures that resonate with their values and aspirations. Employees now trust, more than ever, that they can bring value to the right place. And if the place is the right one, it's true, they really bring value. It is a historical moment in which the two worlds, of people and of organizations, finally meet in a similar balance of forces ... Read more Iuliana STAN Managing Partner, Human Synergistics Romania Subscribe to the Human Synergistics Romania newsletter Subscribe Accept Termenii & condițiile Human Synergistics Congratulations! Now you are subscribed to Human Synergistics Romania newsletter!

  • Research | Cercetare Nationala

    RESEARCH 2021 You would definitely like to work in a constructive organization. Be part of your organization's transformation! The research we will carry out will address 3 areas of interest: What leaders want and how they promote their leadership philosophy What employees say about the culture of their organizations How would the employees, ideally, want their job to be Why are we doing this research? We believe in change and we know that only in time we can see the impact of the actions we take with leaders and organizations, especially at societal level. It is easy and very convenient to blame the country when things are not going well. Anything that goes well, at the country level, tends to be attributed to luck or to a handful people. There is no association, as yet, between good outcomes and a systemic approach or a national strategy. The good or bad outcomes we perceive at the national level comes from the ability of all institutions or organizations to do their job well, to understand their purpose and role both at the organizational level and in relation to their own employees. People need relevance and they have it if they understand the purpose and significance of their work. People need belonging and they have it if they understand how, to what and with whom they contribute. People need to be seen and they feel seen if they are treated with consideration. When this happens, they will contribute with all the effort they are capable of for the good of the organization they belong to, for themselves, for their customers or for society. When people do not feel relevant, when people feel that they are treated formally, as resources at hand, when people are scolded or treated badly by those who lead them, they will reduce their efforts to the minimum level necessary to survive in their organization. Our next aspiration and ambition, at societal level, is that meeting basic criteria for the performance and functioning of companies and public institutions (in terms of organizational culture and leadership style) to become a social norm. Fifteen years ago, when we introduced the preoccupation for organizational culture in Romanian organizations, we were practically speaking a different language. ​ Meanwhile, the concept of organizational culture is present in most strategies developed by organizations, either public institutions (citing in the annual activity reports the concern and interest in improving the organizational culture), or corporations (they being the first to be interested in this). subject), but also large entrepreneurial companies, which in recent years have begun to see the value brought by the concern for organizational culture. In 2009 we communicated the results of the first large-scale national research on the culture of Romanian organizations, a research in which over 150 organizations and over 1500 employees participated. The communicated data were collected in 2008, before the start of the financial crisis in Romania. 12 years after the first national research on organizational culture in Romania, the socio-economic context was strongly marked by at least some critical, historical moments: the financial crisis of 2009, the post-crisis recovery with specific characteristics, the social, economic and health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the pressure for digitization, the pressure for reform at the societal level. Thus, the legitimate question arises: how do we cope with the ever-changing context? No change can be made in the absence of understanding and clarity about what the current state has generated and what the vision for the future is. Who are we, how are we, how prepared are we for what we set out to do, and what do we really set out to do? In the development of organizations, regardless of their nature (field, size, membership) there are two coordinates that set the tone and are self-sustaining: organizational culture and leadership (the way people are led). Leaders build culture, culture grows leaders like her. The circle can be vicious or virtuous. We intend to carry out a new research at national scale, that will show us an image of how Romanian organizations work. We believe in the power of organizations to contribute to changing the world, and we want to help organizations become their best versions. Performance does not mean the same thing for everyone, but the aspiration to be at the maximum level of potential that you have, is the only meaningful vision that a person or an organization can have. The 3 areas of interest will be analyzed and correlated so as to provide a clear picture of whether there is a connection between what leaders want and what they generate. The data collected from organizations will allow us to analyze the impact that the top people in the management of Romanian organizations have on the cultures of the organizations they lead. Moreover, we will conduct the first research in public institutions in Romania . We will invite at least 150 public institutions to participate in the research, selected according to their strategic impact at the societal level. Also, the research aims to provide public institutions with a benchmark for analysis and materials which can be used later in the development of administrative reform strategies. The benefits of research for participating organizations Leaders will receive a clear picture of their own leadership philosophy The leaders of the participating organizations will obtain information about how the organizational culture is perceived in the organizations they belong to Leaders will obtain specific quantitative information about the difference between employees' expectations and perceived reality Human Resources Managers will receive a set of practical recommendations for the organization they represent, starting from the management philosophy of the leader of the organization and from the expectations of the employees. Each participating organization will receive its own set of interpreted data in the context of research and an accredited Human Synergistics consultant will be available for clarification. The leaders of the organizations will benefit from an individual debrief session for the individual report that we will deliver Quantified, these benefits add up • time allocated to each organization (approximately 4 hours of which 2 hours individual discussion with the leader of the organization and 2 hours discussion with the Human Resources manager and the manager of the department that will contribute with data for research) • use of locally and globally recognized and accepted methodology (tools used and interdependencies between them) • know-how on leadership - organizational culture • a total benefit of 2,000 Euros per organization. The benefits of research for participating organizations We will make known a national benchmark for the organizational culture and we will extract general ideas and recommendations for improvement on the 3 types of participating organizations (public institutions, corporations, entrepreneurial companies) We will clarify the understanding of national norms of work culture in the context of national culture We will understand how prepared the Romanian society is for the administrative reform and we will know specifically the pros and cons The research results will also be analyzed in comparison with global data. Beneficii Types of organizations participating 1. Any kind of organization preoccupied by its organizational culture can participate in the research, whether they perceive it as good or not. 2. Organizations of any size and from any field of activity can participate in the research. 3. Each main type of organization (public institution, corporation, entrepreneurial company) will have designated a unique project coordinator from Human Synergistics Romania. OCI® Ideal (Organizational Culture Inventory® - Ideal ) OCI® (Organizational Culture Inventory® - Curent) OEI® (Organizational Effectiveness Inventory®) LI (Leadership/ Impact®) The following inventories will be applied online Research methodology Each project manager / project coordinator from the research organizations will receive detailed information about the tools used and the way to apply and collect data (which will be done mostly online). National research plan 02 Launching research publicly, communicating the information necessary to participate Pilot - Launching the research in the close environment to refine communication 01 Collecting entries for organizations that want to participate in the research 03 04 Designation of internal project managers from each organization Training of project managers 05 06 Data collection Follow-up to the participating organizations for scheduling individual discussions with the organization's leader and the Human Resources manager 07 08 National Conference for the presentation of research data Intermediate analyzes 09 10 Completion of data collection and data processing Consolidation, adjustments, additions 11 12 Intermediate status communications and reminders Metodologii Methodology and tools OCI® - Organizational Culture Inventory® The OCI® inventory is recognized as the most widely used and thoroughly researched organizational surveys for measuring organizational culture in the world. The versatility of this scientifically validated but practical tool for measuring culture has contributed to hundreds of academic and business publications showing the importance of high-performance constructive cultures in improving member involvement, work group effectiveness, and organizational sustainability. OCI is the only tool in the world recognized by an international academic community that measures organizational culture - that is, how people think they are expected to behave to fit the organization in which they work, or in a more specific language. , behavioral norms and expectations that reflect more abstract aspects of culture, such as shared values and beliefs in an organization. OCI is used in cultural change projects together with OCI Ideal for determining cultural differences, setting and prioritizing change targets. OEI® - Organizational Effectiveness Inventory® The OEI inventory the Human Synergistics tool that measures employee engagement and satisfaction, is based on concrete research data, and is suitable for change programs based on data and measurements designed to increase not only member engagement but also the effectiveness of the organization. The OEI allows the level of commitment of the members of the organization to be established and the strengths and development needs to be identified. OEI allows organizations to measure both the causal factors that drive and shape their culture, and the impact of culture on employees, groups / teams, and the organization as a whole. The questions in the questionnaire are based on articles, confirmed theories and classic papers in the field of human resource management and organizational behavior. Leadership / Impact® L / I Leadership / Impact (L / I) is a transformational tool designed to help leaders become aware of the impact of their own leadership strategies and the extent to which they affect the organization's performance. Leadership / Impact provides executives with information and insights into the leadership strategies they use and their impact. These perspectives are used as a basis for identifying strategies and techniques that leaders can use to increase the long-term effectiveness, performance, and productivity of the organization and its members. This impact tool is very useful for understanding the extent to which a person's leadership philosophy is part of the problem or solution in a culture transformation, because L / I uses the same conceptual model to describe impact as the tool for diagnosing organization, thus allowing a direct comparison. OCI® Ideal - Organizational Culture Inventory® Ideal The OCI® Ideal inventory is the version of the OCI inventory that allows the design of new behavioral models that support the vision, strategy and objectives of the organization. Identifying the ideal organizational culture involves defining a set of desired behaviors more precisely, describing how top management would like employees to behave so as to support the strategic direction of the organization. We strongly believe in the role of organizations in contributing to the improvement of the world and people. If only a few years ago organizations had the unique privilege of choosing their employees, mainly on the basis of competence, now the balance of choice is quite inclined by employees, who also begin to choose organizations in which they want to work. Employees are attracted to missions and organizational cultures that resonate with their values ​​and aspirations. Employees believe now, more than ever, that they can bring value to the right place. And if the place is the right one, it's true, they really bring value. It is a historic moment in which the two worlds, of people and of organizations, finally meet in a similar balance of forces. How do the organizations in which employees want to work, look like? What is the philosophy of those who lead organizations in Romania? How do the organizations in our country really look like? What is done to create organizations in which people want to work? How can the culture of Romanian organizations be easily understood and managed? What are the levers for changing the organizational culture ? How is the performance stimulated by the organizational culture? We aim to answer these questions and give the leaders of organizations and public institutions in Romania a model to look at their organizational culture and to understand what they have to do, so that they bring them closer to what they want, but also to the mission they have to fulfill. We aim to provide all people working in organizations with a model to look at them, to understand them and to choose them, so that they can cope with the environment in which they are and reach their potential. We invite you to join us in this process of mutual knowledge! We thank all the Human Synergistics Accredited Consultants specialized in Organizational Culture for supporting this initiative. Thank you for not being with us for Changing the World - Organization by Organization! Iuliana STAN Managing Partner, Human Synergistics Romania Cuvant Iuliana Subscribe to the Human Synergistics Romania newsletter Vreau să mă înscriu

  • | Cercetare Nationala

    Cultura organizațiilor din România Datorită sau în ciuda? Adevărat sau fals? Mit sau realitate? Ușor sau greu? ​ Vom vedea ce ne dezvăluie rezultatele Cercetării Naționale 2021 în evenimentul din 14 Octombrie. Vino alături de noi! Adresă de email Nume și Prenume Accept termenii și condițiile Human Synergistics Vreau să particip Mulțumim! Te vom contacta curând.

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